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The beginning of a new way of thinking…..The definition of Alinēa (Ə-linēƏ) and the very reason for our firm’s existence.


Alinēa Architects was founded October 1st, 2013 on the very simple belief that there is a better way to be an architect and there is a better image and attitude that all architects should aspire to: for the profession we have chosen, for the Clients we are fortunate to serve, and for the Contractor we are grateful to team with. Architects are but one piece of a very complex puzzle. It is our responsibility to work with the Client, our Consultants, and the Contractors to find the solution to this puzzle while utilizing and relying on the expertise and knowledge that each contributor brings to the project. Only with a cohesive and concerted effort by all, shall a project truly be successful. This is our primary objective. We provide excellent service to our clients by listening first, asking questions second and truly understanding our Client’s goals and objectives for each project. Even though we may have a wealth of experience to match your project and objectives, we approach each design without preconceived ideas….as the beginning of a new way of thinking.


Welcome to Alinēa.

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